Welcome To The Savanna Veterans Memorial Photos Page!

Just to let everyone know, all donations that created our beautiful Memorial were very much appreciated.
This photo taken on August 16, 2021, shows finance officer Paul Mayer receiving a $125 donation from Eleven-year-old Payten Villalobos. Payten raised the money by handcrafting small floral arrangements, painted rocks, beaded brace­ lets and wooden signs. She then set up a booth at the Savanna Farmer's Market in mid-July and sold every item plus received special orders. She is the daughter of Mio Villalobos and Jessica Ervin, both of Savanna.

Accepting a donation from Payten Villalobos .

July 1, 2021 - Thursday morning was a surprise waiting for us at the Savanna Veterans Memorial. Piles of Shadflies that required shovels and a fire truck to remove them. A special thank you to all that worked on it and to Scott Wolf the Fire Chief who flushed the aftermath away.  Photo courtesy of Richard Holy.

Shadflies piled high at Memorial.

Memorial Day 2021, the Dedication of the Savanna Veterans Memorial. Photo courtesy of Earleen Hinton/Shaw Media.

Memorial Day 2021 Dedication of Savanna Veterans Memorial

This photo of the Committee Members was taken on May 31, 2021 at the Savanna Veterans Memorial Dedication. Pictured Left to right are: Warren 'Doc' Vincent, Adjutant; Jeff Doran, Vice Chairman; Ron Miller, Member; Dave Engaldo Member; Dennis Bowman, Trustee; Mike Raleigh, Member; Carol Canier, Trustee / Member; Todd Swanson, Chairman; Larry Stebbins, Trustee; Paul Mayer, Finance; Larry Melaas, Member; Kris Yingling, Member. Members not pictured were Jean Ferris, Member; Brian McCaskey, Member; and Milo Miller, Trustee.

Veterans Memorial Committee Members

December 8,2020 The Welcome Monument arrived and was set in place. As we all know, COVID-19 played a major role in delaying construction of the Monument. You will notice the Dedication Date was Memorial Day 2020 as this stone was ordered to arrive back then but never did. One more reminder of a very rough year. 

Front of Welcome Monument


October 7, 2020 Paul Mayer and Frank Norman went down to adjust the rigging cables for the flags and raised the first flags on the monument. Below are a night time view of the flags and a day time view.

Night View of the Flags


Day View of the Flags

During the first week of September 2020 the concrete floors were being poured at the Savanna Veterans Memorial. The stamped walkway from the entrance to the main monuments looks lust like stone pavers.

Floors Poured

August 5, 2020 - The Dale Gardner Monument was installed in the corner facing the Dale Gardner Veterans Memorial Bridge.

Dale Gardners

August 5, 2020 - The Final Batch of Pavers was received. As soon as they are sorted, numbered and proof read they will be installed on yje last two walls bringing the total up to 704 pavers.

Final Batch of Pavers Received

July 16, 2020 - The second batch of pavers went up on the North Wall at the monument. We are waiting on the third and final batch to complete this wall and the South wall.

Second Batch of Pavers

October 19, 2019 - The first Pavers being installed on the first Wall of Honor by Tony from Anthony Construction, Inc.

Pavers being installed on the first Wall of Honor bt Anthony Construction, Inc.

October 18, 2019 - We had a good number of volunteers come out to help us sort the pavers for the Walls of Honor. We sorted the first order of pavers to be placed on the two initial inside walls.

Volunteers Sorting Pavers

October 15, 2019 - A few images of the main monuments after being cleaned up.Notice the in ground lighting in place too. All of the lighting will be LED lighting and energy efficient less than $200 per year cost.

Monuments in place and cleaned up.

October 8, 2019 - More photos of the three Main Monuments and Flagpoles being put in place.

Photos of the main Monuments and Flag Poles being installed.

October 8, 2019 - More photos of the three Main Monuments and Flagpoles being put in place.

Photos of the main Monuments and Flag Poles being installed.

October 8, 2019 - The three Main Monuments and Flagpoles were put in place. A special thank you to Jo-Carroll Energy for thier employees and equipment to move the massive pavers and picking up and placing the Flagpoles. Also the employees from Miller Construction for assembling the Flagpoles and setting and leveling the Flagpoles on the foundations. A special thank you to Bill Hermann the owner of Hermann Monuments for his work in installing the momuments. Last but not least the volunteers from the Veterans Memorial Committee.

Photos of the main Monuments and Flag Poles being installed.

September 11, 2019 - Grass seed was planted in front of the monument and the electrical boxes for the in-ground lighting are being put in place before the concrete pour.

In-ground Lighting boxes and grass seed planted.

August 27, 2019 - The Flagpole Foundations have been poured and installed and are ready for the flagpoles.

The Flagpole foundations are in place ready to install the flagpoles.

August 20, 2019 - The End Caps and Top Caps for the Paver Walls were installed. 

Paver Endv Caps and Tops in place.

July 29, 2019 The Paver Walls are starting to look like actual Paver Walls. After the concrete is cured, it's possible we will see pavers being cemented into place.

Paver walls actually looking like paver walls.

July 26, 2019 The Paver Walls Forms are assembled and ready for pouring the concrete.

The Paver Walls Forms are assembled.

 July 25, 2019 Work on the Paver Walls Foundations continues.

Paver Walls Foundation Work Continues

July 23, 2019 Some photos from the paver wall foundation concrete pour that Rockafellow Construction did at the site.

Foundation Concrete Pour

The first three pallets of the pavers we ordered arrived on December 1st, 2018 and the photo shows Ryan Miller unloading and placing them in storage ready for construction of the memorial in the spring of 2019.

Receiving the first batch of Pavers we ordered.

Savanna Veterans Memorial Fundraiser

Thank the citizens of Savanna and their friends and families who donated to and came out and attended the Savanna Veterans Memorial Fundraiser at Manny’s Pizza on November 9th. A very special thank you for everyone that donated items for the auction as well as the silent auction. I was so worried that with the very cold freezing weather that there would have been a poor turnout but thanks to all that turned out, we filled the banquet hall! I am very appreciative of the work by the members of our committee that went out seeking raffle items and came through with a great selection of items to get everyone in attendance to dig deep and help us move towards our goal of creating a beautiful Veterans Memorial for Savanna. I didn’t use any names as I did not want to leave anyone out, but am very appreciative for everyone that helped us to make our evening a success. I know, you are all anxious to know how well it went. After expenses, our total raised from the night at Manny’s and the 50/50 was $11,000. All I can say is THANK YOU ALL, such beautiful supporters of our Veterans Memorial Project!

Paul Mayer, Finance Officer for the Savanna Veterans Memorial

Placeholder Picture

These three photos were taken on September 28, 2018 While Burkholder's crew were putting the caps on the South Wall and continuing work on the West Wall.

Placeholder Picture

These three photos were taken on September 20, 2018 after Miller Excavating finished filling in and grading a parking lot behind the Veterans Memorial site. You can see the size of the parking lot and grass was also planted on the sides of the new "hill".

Placeholder Picture

These three photos were taken on September 12, 2018 while Miller Excavating was grading the surface crushed rock to a slight grade to the back for runoff. This is in preparation to the concrete work. We are leaving the North retaining wall open until the work by heavy equipment is done.

Grading the Surface

This photo was taken on September 4, 2018 and shows the progress of the retaining wall for the monument. Our sign in front of the site was moved out of the way of the construction and along with a beautiful sky and the bridge in the background made for a perfect photograph.

Photo of retaining wall progress.

Our Retaining Wall Progress is moving really quick since it was started yesterday. These three photos were taken today, August 30, 2018 and you can see it is actually looking like a wall now. The two top photos are working on the South wall and the bottom photo is from the West looking towards the street.

Retaining Wall Progress 8-30-2018

The two photos below show the laying of the first row of the retaining wall taken on August 29, 2018. This is the South Wall looking towards the river. The second photo is looking towards the street.

Building the Retaining Wall


Building the Retaining Wall

The photo below shows the delivery of the first blocks for the retaining wall being taken on August 21, 2018. We are excited to see this wall built so we can continue with the concrete work next.

Retaing Wall Blocks Being Delivered

Savanna VFW Supports Memorial - On April 19, 2018 Michael Raleigh, left, commander of the Savanna VFW Post 2223, presents a check for $10,000.00 to Todd Swanson, chairman of the Savanna Veterans Memorial Committee. The check presentation was made at the future location of the Veterans Memorial, where raising and leveling off the ground was in progress.

VFW 2223 Donates $10,000

In the last weeks of March the grounds were cleared off removing all of the tree stumps and brush as well as the top soil in preparation to have fill brought in to level off the Veterans Memorial Site. Thanks to Ron Miller and his crew from Miller Excavating! It’s amazing what the right tools for the job can accomplish. These are several photos taken during that time.

Preparing for Land Fill

On December 12, 2017, we went out to Metform to receive a donation for the Veterans Memorial. In the photo below is Todd Swanson, Dan Cavanagh of Metform and Paul Mayer receiving the check.

Donation Received at Metform

On November 2, 2017, we erected our new sign announcing the location of the Savanna Veterans Memorial site. Pictured are Paul Mayer and Bob Grissinger after installing the new sign. Also present and taking the photo was Todd Swanson.

Home of the Savanna Veterans Memorial

The Savanna Veterans Memorial Committee was formed by a group of local citizens with members from the American Legion Post 148 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2223 and prominent citizens. The project started in May of 2016 and below is an image of the proposed main design of the memorial.

Drawing of the Savanna Monument

The image below is a close up of the granite monuments from the above view. As you can see this memorial is to honor all veterans, past, present and future. Our decision was to honor all services, Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and the Merchant Marines.

View of the granite monuments.